@extends('layouts.master') @section('title') {{$logo->first_name." ".$logo->last_name}} || Sharecv @endsection @section('css') @endsection @section('body') @endsection @section('content')
@if($sectiondetail->home == 1) @if($home->background_image != null)



@if($home->is_first_button_action == 1) {{$home->first_button}} @endif @if($home->is_first_button_custom_url == 1) {{$home->first_button}} @endif @if($home->is_second_button_action == 1) {{$home->second_button}} @endif @if($home->is_second_button_custom_url == 1) {{$home->second_button}} @endif
@if($home->image != null) @else @endif
@if(count($funfacts) > 0)
@foreach($funfacts as $key => $funfact)




Experiences Years

@endif @if($sectiondetail->about_me == 1)
@if($about->image != null) @else @endif

{{$about->total_experience}} Years of Success

@if($about->section_title != null){{$about->section_title}} @endif

@if($about->subtext != null){{$about->subtext}} @endif

@if($about->information != null){{$about->information}} @endif

    @if($userinfo->first_name != null || $userinfo->last_name != null)
  • Name: {{$userinfo->first_name.' '.$userinfo->last_name}}
  • @endif @if($userinfo->designation != null)
  • Designation: {{$userinfo->designation}}
  • @endif @if($userinfo->email != null)
  • Email: {{$userinfo->email}}
  • @endif @if($userinfo->address != null)
  • Address: {{$userinfo->address}}
  • @endif
    @if($userinfo->dob != null)
  • Birth of Date: {{$userinfo->dob}}
  • @endif @if($userinfo->gender != null)
  • Gender: {{$userinfo->gender}}
  • @endif @if($userinfo->mobile_number != null)
  • Phone Number: {{$userinfo->mobile_number}}
  • @endif @if(count($languages) > 0)
  • Langages:
  • @endif
@if($about->button_name != null) @endif @if($signature->signature != null) @endif
@endif @if($sectiondetail->services == 1)

What I Do!


@if($services[0]->subtext != null){{$services[0]->subtext}}@endif

@foreach($services as $key => $value) @if($value->is_icon == 1)


@endif @if($value->is_text == 1)


@endif @if($value->is_image == 1)


@endif @endforeach
@endif @if($sectiondetail->education == 1)

Design is Life


Web design refers to the design of websites that are displayed on the internet. It usually refers to the user experience aspects of website development

    @foreach($education as $key => $value)
  • @if($value->start_year != null) {{$value->start_year}} @endif - @if($value->passing_year != null) {{$value->passing_year}} @endif
    @if($value->degree != null) {{$value->degree}} @endif

    @if($value->institute != null) {{$value->institute}} @endif

    @if($value->description != null) {{$value->description}} @endif

  • @endforeach
@endif @if($sectiondetail->skills == 1)

@if($skills[0]->subtext != null) {{$skills[0]->subtext}} @endif


Personal skills are recognised as soft skills which are not easy to teach (although not impossible). They are also known as interpersonal or even 'people' skills.

@foreach($skills as $key => $value) @if($value->type == 1)
@endif @endforeach
@foreach($skills as $key => $value) @if($value->type == 2)
@endif @endforeach
@endif @if($sectiondetail->project == 1)



@if($project[0]->subtext != null) {{$project[0]->subtext}} @endif

@foreach($project as $key => $value)
@if($value->project_name != null) {{$value->project_name}} @endif

@if($value->category != null) {{$value->category}} @endif

@foreach($project as $key => $value) @endforeach
@endif @if($sectiondetail->awards == 1)

Best of Award

Real Passion to Create Amazing Things

An award, sometimes called a distinction, is something given to a recipient as a token of recognition of excellence in a certain field.

@foreach($awards as $key => $value)
@if($value->name != null) {{$value->name}} @endif
@endif @if($sectiondetail->experience == 1)

Design is Life


Web design refers to the design of websites that are displayed on the internet. It usually refers to the user experience aspects of website development

    @foreach($experience as $key => $value)
  • @if($value->start_month != null) {{$value->start_month}} @endif, @if($value->start_year != null) {{$value->start_year}} @endif - @if($value->end_month != null) {{$value->end_month}} @endif, @if($value->end_year != null) {{$value->end_year}} @endif
    @if($value->job_title != null) {{$value->job_title}} @endif

    @if($value->company_name != null) {{$value->company_name}} @endif

    @if($value->description != null) {{$value->description}} @endif

  • @endforeach
@endif @if($sectiondetail->pricing == 1)

Our Pricing


@if($pricing[0]->subtext != null){{$pricing[0]->subtext}}@endif

@foreach($pricing as $key => $value)



    @if(count($value->features) > 0) @foreach($value->features as $key => $feature)
  • {{$feature}}
  • @endforeach @endif
@endif @if($sectiondetail->testimonial == 1 || $sectiondetail->clients == 1)


@if($testimonial[0]->subtext != null){{$testimonial[0]->subtext}}@endif

A portfolio is a collection of work samples that you can bring to an interview, send to a prospective employer, or even post online.

@if($sectiondetail->testimonial == 1)
@foreach($testimonial as $key => $value)

" {{$value->comment}} "

@if($value->image != null) @endif

@if($value->company_name != null){{$value->company_name}}@endif

@endif @if($sectiondetail->clients == 1)
@foreach($clients as $key => $value)
@endif @if($sectiondetail->contact_me == 1)

Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch soon!


@if($contact->subtext != null){{$contact->subtext}}@endif

@if($contact->email != null)
How can we help you?
@endif @if($contact->mobile_number != null)
Feel free to get in touch?
Ready to request a quote?
Describe your project

Any question? Send us message.

@if($contact->is_name == 1)
@endif @if($contact->is_email == 1)
@endif @if($contact->is_subject == 1)
@endif @if($contact->is_message == 1)
@endsection @section('script') @endsection